Choosing a recruitment software partner, and not just a supplier


Recruiters have different responsibilities
and must execute different roles when they are out recruiting. However,
ultimately their fundamental undertaking is to source the
best-qualified candidate
. This is what they are accountable for and why
their services are hired by client companies. Consequently, the smartest
recruiters understand that recruitment software is a business partner. The
vendors who provide their recruitment CRM service are not just suppliers.

But recruiters must be cautioned about
choosing the best recruitment software for agencies. Why? Because unsuitable
software or a bad vendor can be costly to replace. It can not only set agencies
back financially, but they will also incur a huge time and resource loss. 

Having said all this, how does one pick a
great recruitment software partner? Is it only reliant on software features?
How should agencies determine which supplier provides the best services?


Features and functionalities

Decision-makers might be drawn towards a
particular recruitment CRM due to a variety of reasons. But the primary
motivations are because of certain features, great client testimonials and
market reputation. And while these are significant in decision making, there is
a need for a closer and critical look when choosing
the best agency recruitment software

There are fundamental features such as
cloud-based and SaaS, and compliance checks that are essential for both
permanent and temporary recruitment agencies. However, decision-makers need to
look beyond these.

Finding a great technology partner starts
with understanding the large and small problems that affect the business and
the viable solutions. Different agencies have diverse needs. So always have a
list handy wherein it is clear what the agency is looking for. Whether it is a
focus on talent sourcing or resolution for better communication with candidates
or even an easier way to generate reports, it is important to always commence
the search to understand the current business needs.

It is also vital to comprehend the changes
and adaptations one is willing to take on, and which ones are non-negotiable. That
is why taking the time to question software functionality is very essential.
Great features but hard-to-use software will likely only collect dust after a
few months. Another scenario pointing to why functionality is important – if a
medium or large agency only uses Mac computers but the software is only
Windows-friendly then that would be a non-negotiable factor. It is crucial to
present these factors upfront. Desk booking software

Live product demos are the best way to
discuss all these issues beforehand.


Quality support and great service

Product users will inevitably experience
some obstacles throughout using the product. When it comes to recruitment
software, it is considering how not all recruiters are tech-savvy presses home
the need for great support and service.

A recruitment agency’s relationship with
the software vendor does not end with the onboarding. Recruiters must expect to
run into issues and challenges now and then. Thus, agencies need an
accommodating, knowledgeable tech partner who is quick to respond to the
problem and keen to provide quality service.

So, while combing through reviews, it is
helpful to also examine people’s reviews carefully on the vendor’s support and
services. If there are too many negative reviews on these aspects, then it
raises the question of whether the particular recruitment software supplier can
be an excellent partner eventually.

An unaccommodating tech partner can be a
huge disadvantage for an agency’s business growth.

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