Evolution of Technology over the Years


For the past few decades,
technology has been a big part of our lives and today we can’t even imagine our
life without it. Technological development has transformed our world and
wherever you see, you will find technology. Almost every other week, a new advancement
in technology comes to the market. Whether we like it or not, our lives are now
dependent on technology. We can’t pass a single day without our cell phones,
computers, cars, etc which are all a part of technology.

Technologies are created to make our lives easier, from
cars to online learning platforms; everything is made for our convenience. We
can now stay connected to our friends and relatives with a distance of hundreds
of miles through the internet, we can travel easily and efficiently through
cars, electronic trains, etc, we can get information about anything and anyone
over the internet, and can basically run our lives with the help of technology.
The things considered a farfetched idea in the past are now very much a part of
our daily routine.

Technology has now drastically evolved and is improving
with each passing day, from Stone Age tools to advanced machinery, from a small
weapon to nuclear energy, traveling by camels and horses to automatic cars,
steam engines to diesel engines, and several other advancements. Let’s take a
look at the evolution of technology over the years.


letters, telegraphs, and wires were once considered modern technology but after
the invention of the telephone, voice communication was made possible.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876. Almost 100 years
after the invention of the telephone, the first wireless mobile phone was
invented in 1976 but they were heavy and bulky. As time went by, mobile phones
began to shrink in size and weight until a Smartphone was debuted in 1993 since
then, touch screen mobile phones with all imaginable technological abilities
are now being used. 

2. Travel

and camels were the main modes of transportation but after the invention of the
steam engine in 1765, it was then used in railways in 1804 and in steamboats in
1807. After the invention of trains and steamboats, they were chosen for
transportation and trade. The first automobile was invented in 1885 by Karl
Benz and after years and years of technological development; we now have
automatic and self-driving options available in our cars.


first electronic digital computer was invented in 1937 and now when we look at
our computers we know that computers have come very far. The computers were
giant and heavy in the beginning and required a lot of manpower to move them
but now we have our personal computers that are easy to move, and laptops are
easy to travel with. Computers today are not only smaller but they are more


camera was invented by Johann Zahn but he was not the one who took the first
photo. Nicéphore Niépce took the first photo in his courtyard. Cameras used to
be big and shabby and in today’s day and age, our Smartphone also posses
cameras. Camera quality has drastically improved and we have cameras that can
take over three thousand megapixel photos. 

5. Entertainment

was earlier limited to radio transmissions but after the invention of
television in 1927, the course of entertainment was changed forever. The
televisions were first black and white but then the color image was introduced.
Cinemas have been around for as long as we remember and now people have other
streaming options over the internet such as Netflix, etc. Smartphones are now
considers to be our very own televisions and cinemas.


boy! The Internet has been the most important invention and clearly, our lives
are dull without it. Internet was invented in 1974 and basically became the
mode of data transmission. Today the internet is not restricted to data
transmission. Everything is done on the internet, the creation of MySpace, and
the advancement of Facebook is noteworthy. We now have an app for everything,
you want to know the address of a place, there is a map application for you on
your phone and in cars, you want to buy something but don’t want to leave your
house, you can order online and get it delivered to your house, etc. From
communicating with people to getting an education, search for study material,
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make presentations, everything is done over the internet.

Space Programs

the beginning of time, humans have always been curious about the universe
outside of our world. Learning more about space has always been a competition
among countries. The Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space in
1957, embarking on a new era of the space race. NASA was the first space agency
to launch a successful human spaceflight in 1958, since then, hundreds of
satellites have been sent to space and several successful space programs are
established. It’s truly a technological evolution to go into space.

Artificial Intelligence

position of technology is evident in the creation of Artificial Intelligence
(AI). AI has been a groundbreaking evolution. AI has made things easier by
reducing hard work and it possesses the ability to make decisions like humans.
Robots, VR technology, voice automated assistants are all a part of Artificial

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