6 Advices For Essay Writing

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An essay can have many purposes, from stating your own point of view to explaining the steps necessary to complete a task, but the basic structure will always be the same. But writing in different languages is not the same as writing in English, so many students who use English as a second language often make mistakes and feel frustrated when they receive poor grades.

To get started on the right track, it is important that you understand what is being asked in the essay. Usually, essay questions include instructions or guidelines that you should read carefully to construct the most accurate answer possible. This is exactly the same as when you are looking for an answer to a question how to get good grades without studying on https://studycrumb.com/how-to-get-good-grades-without-studying . Sometimes these questions may refer to comparing different works, works, situations; another favorite question is to demarcate and explain something. This tends to be the same as classifying the subject and highlighting its most important characteristics. Whatever the question, it is very important that you understand it. Sometimes it can be very helpful to use these three key questions:

  • What do you need to do? (what are the instructions).

  • What should you write about? (topic, theme).

  • How will you find the information you need to do it or where should you get the content to write the essay?

Worry no more! If you follow these simple steps, you will find that the essay will practically write itself. All you have to do is come up with ideas, which is the most important part – don’t let yourself pick up a pencil and paper! Another major point is figuring out how to properly format your essay. You may need a sample title page, sample bibliography and so on. 

1. Topic

You may not have the option to choose the theme. If this is the case, consider what you are being asked to produce: a general summary or a specific analysis. For example, “Kenya” is a broad topic, and if the objective is to write about your vision of that region, the task is easy because you can choose to talk about “Politics in Kenya” or “Kenyan Culture”.

On the other hand, if you have the freedom to choose the content of your writing, you have the world at your feet. Selecting something you are interested in and know well will allow you to write a strong essay.

2. Purpose

The first thing you should think about is the purpose of what you are going to write: do you want to persuade people to think like you, explain the methodology to perform a certain task, provide information about a person, place, thing or idea? Write some interesting topics and evaluate which one fits what you intend to achieve with the essay. The most important factor is the number of ideas that come up with such a topic.

3. Ideas

Develop an outline or diagram that includes all the ideas, in a fairly organized format. The structure may change before the work is finished, so don’t stress yet.

Start by writing the topic at the top of the page. Then, list the ideas on the left side; and next to each of them, place the main points you want to highlight. If your intention is to persuade, write down your best arguments; if you are going to explain a process, meticulously write down the steps to follow; if you want to inform, write down the categories in which you are going to classify the data. You can group the information using the terms “Start”, “Middle” and “End”. At the end, you will have the basic structure of the essay.

4. Thesis Statement

Once you have decided, at least tentatively, what kind of information you are going to present in the essay, you are ready to write the thesis statement. This is to tell the reader what the topic is to be addressed and your position, as the author, on it. The data should be provided in two plates, that is, in a first part that includes the topic and a second part that talks about the point of view of the text (here you can list the three main ideas previously considered).

5. Writing paragraphs

In the body of the essay, all the previous preparation pays off. The chosen topic must now be explained, described or argued. Each main idea noted in the diagram or outline will become a body paragraph. If you have three or four main ideas, you will have three or four body paragraphs that should have the same basic structure: A main idea in sentence form, supporting comments for that idea along with a description, explanation, or discussion, as appropriate.

6. Introduction and Conclusion

At this point, you only need to write two more paragraphs: Introduction and Conclusion. Through them you will give the reader an entry point to the essay and an exit point. The first one is designed to attract attention and give an idea about the focus of the essay, by using a short anecdote or true and verifiable information that culminates with the thesis statement; while the second one constitutes a summary of the text that closes with a final perspective on the exposed topic. Three or four solid

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