Identifying What Are the Most Common Plumbing Problems in Sydney

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 Everyone wants to live and inhabit a clean environment. It
is essential to be surrounded by a clean environment both indoors and outdoors.
Talking of indoors, in particular, we ensure our homes and spaces are clean and
kept in proper condition. But sometimes common issues like drainage blockage,
pipe clogging, etc occur regardless of you ensuring keeping the areas in your
home spotlessly clean. Drainage issues when not attended properly and on time
can lead to discomfort for sure. Imagine, a choked pipe not allowing for a
smooth water flow, well, it certainly is a nightmare. Whenever you have
drainage and sanitation issues, the first instinctive thing to do is, of
course, ask for a plumber’s help. They clean the dirt and debris accumulated in
the pipe, duct as per their reach and capacity and solve the issue. But many
times, such solutions offer only a temporary solution, allowing the drainage
issues to occur again.

Cliche’ but big cities have big problems. Take Sydney for
instance. It is a cosmopolitan city in Australia and one of the prominent
places with high real estate rates or prices across the world. The number of
residential areas keeps growing and there are old and new buildings and houses
in Sydney. Builders must include good quality materials when building the
edifice. Plumbing and sanitation is one such area where quality materials need
to be added to avoid future drainage issues. But, regardless of ensuring the
best plumbing and sanitation system, drainage issues do occur.

Plumbing problems are a common occurrence regardless of where you live.
From leaky taps, to clogged drains and toilets, every Australian home will at
some point experience plumbing issues. Most issues need to be addressed by
professional Sydney plumbers to ensure they are fixed properly
. Here’s
a list of the most common plumbing problems in Sydney:

Clogged Drains

Blocked or clogged drains are by far the most common
plumbing issue faced by homeowners in Sydney. The common areas where blocked
drains occur are of course bathroom and kitchen that leads to inconvenience in
performing daily chores like cooking, cleaning, washing, etc. Of course,
homeowners try to solve the issues with some handy methods like using Drano drain
cleaner, pumping the drainage hole with a plunger, etc. But such drainage
cleaning methods may not be that much effective as most dirty, clogged pipes
require deep cleaning. In such cases, only professional plumbing service
personnel can solve the clogged drains issues.

Running Faucet

One may not realize but leaky faucets lead to unnecessary
water wastage and even drainage issues. One must understand that faucets tend
to get worn out after their prolonged usage and are required to be changed.
Faucets with worn washers, seals, etc drip water continuously and cause
hindrance in performing usual household activities. Leaky faucets need
replacement on a timely basis to avoid unnecessary water wastage and a
comfortable working environment especially in the kitchen, washroom, the
cleaning area, etc. Quality sanitary products like washer less faucets
including seat-spring faucets make a prominent choice for sure. Such types of
faucets are durable and allow you to use water, perform daily chores smoothly.

Clogged Toilet

A clogged toilet is undoubtedly a cause of concern and makes
for discomfort in homes. The flush not working properly or the slower flush of
water all hint towards clogged toilet issues. The most common thing to do in
such cases is of course using a plunger or toilet drainage cleaner but such
common methods offer only a temporary solution. And ignoring the clogged toilet
issues for a long period of time is not really healthy for house occupants.
Calling the plumbing experts is the only solution to solve the major house
plumbing and sanitation-related issues. The sanitation expert then advises deep
cleaning of pipes or pipe replacement, etc are then advised by the sanitation
expert to allow for clean and safe drainage facilities at home.

Shower Head Clogging

Hard water is a common source of water in many areas across
Sydney. Hard water usually contains minerals like salt that tend to accumulate
in the showerhead and lead to clogging. The result? Not able to use washrooms
for bath or cleaning purposes. The prime solution for such a problem is using a
rubber faceplate. It helps catch salt, other particles in water and allow for
smooth water flow via showerheads. Plus, rubber faceplate is quite easy to
maintain as well. All you have to do is, soak it in vinegar, preferably
overnight and clean the same with a soft brush or even with a toothpick.

Broken or Obsolete Spa Jets

Having a relaxing bath in a bathtub after a long, tiring day
feels like heaven. But what if you face common yet daunting issues like a broken
spa jet? As a result, a much-deserved activity like bathing can then seem
cumbersome and even impossible. Sometimes spa jets can stop working due to
electrical panel issues or becoming obsolete after prolonged usage. In such
cases, a plumbing expert will help fix common bath sanitaryware fixtures and
faucets. Fixing the broken spa jet or replacing it with a new one depends upon
the spa jet’s condition. An expert plumber will generally guide the homeowner
regarding it.

Water Heater Problems

Water heaters not working properly is a common issue faced
by many of us at one particular time. It causes inconvenience especially when
you are used to using warm water for washing, bathing, or other purposes. Water
heater breakage or losing its effectiveness is quite inevitable after its
prolonged usage is an ordinary occurrence. But that doesn’t mean one can choose
to ignore the same or try to fix it on your own. It is never a clever solution
to fix the water heater by yourself unless you are a trained plumbing expert.
It is a hazardous activity and could cause serious damage or accidents. It is
always recommended to call a plumbing expert to solve the water heater issues.
Based on the water heater condition, an expert will be able to guide you over
the heater fix or replacement.

Low Water Pressure

Mostly in washrooms and bathrooms, faucets tend to release
low water pressure. The prime reason for the same could be an accumulation of
calcium, minerals, particles in the hard water. If the problem persists and
doesn’t allow for smooth water flow, then you can clean the showerhead with a
descaling cleaner or solution. It helps remove calcium, dirt, etc. Similarly,
clogged taps and faucets issues can be resolved by cleaning the aerator.

Call for Professional Plumbing Service Experts

Remember, small plumbing issues can be solved by using tips
and tricks taken from housekeeping books, magazines, or useful videos. But, if
you keep ignoring the small plumbing issues, then it can lead to bigger issues
and cause harm to you and your home. That’s why it is crucial that you seek
help from licensed plumbing experts who provide expert guidance and services
for plumbing and sanitation issues.


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