Managed WordPress: Is It Worth the Extra Money?

Server Crush

Producing content for
the internet is much more efficient using a content management system such as
WordPress. Utilizing a company offering managed WordPress hosting may also be
beneficial if it’s imperative your site stays up and running continuously.

Hosting Basics

Hosting your WordPress
site at a company offering this service is required to have it show up on the
web. They have the software and technical know-how necessary to get your
website seen by anyone who clicks on a link to your web pages. A bare-bones
service offers access to the internet. If you need more features, you may want
to utilize a

What Is Managed Hosting?

The data for your
WordPress website is stored on a computer with a sufficient amount of memory,
processing power, hard drive space, and security. This computer needs to be maintained
regularly and correctly to ensure no malware and all software are current. This
type of service is known as server-level management and is typically offered by
all hosting companies.


Managed hosting takes it
a few steps further, offering application-level management. Some of the
features provided with this service include one-click WordPress-specific backup
buttons, the ability to create a staging site easily, automated backups
performed daily, website migrations, and much more.

Hosting Benefits

The main benefit of
using a managed WordPress service is the optimization provided for WordPress.
The host has tailored the server with your WordPress data to work exclusively
with the software, providing optimal performance. The system is also tailored to
offer the fastest, stable hosting architecture possible. Having the best
security available is also an advantage of using this service.


Using this hosting
service provides automatic and manual backups, better WordPress support,
automatic WordPress setup, automatically managed updates, staging environments,
and a finely tuned dashboard. Other essential features include heightened
security and better caching.


Along with the many
features offered with this service, there are a few downsides. The first one is
a loss of flexibility. Using this service may make it impossible to utilize
specific plugins.


A second downside is an
increase in the price charged for the service. Anyone on a budget may want to
consider if they need the extra features before committing. Another downside
worth mentioning is likely the inability to use any other CMS, such as Joomla,
with the service.

Is It Worth the Extra Cost?

If you only need to
utilize WordPress and can afford this service, it’s probably worth the extra
cost. However, you may want to consider your budget, the amount of traffic to
your site, and the type of site you are running before making a decision.


If you’re just
developing your site and it has low traffic, it may not be worth it. Another
consideration you want to examine is the number of sites you have. Combining a
high number with the service could be costly.


Using a managed service
offers security, the best environment, peace of mind, and reliability. If
you’re getting a decent amount of website traffic and want to ensure your site
stays active 24/7, the additional expense may be justifiable.


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