Some Tips to Supercharge Salesforce Developer Productivity


If we
take a survey of Salesforce users, we may get various answers about their user
experience and how it contributes to their productivity. Most of the companies
may have invested bot in Salesforce to boost their job performance so that the
key people can focus on the most important tasks than daily operations. But
sometimes, without proper training and adequate user adoption, users may not be
leveraging this platform adequately and may not be seeing any benefits out of
it. Salesforce comes with a lot of out-of-the-box features which you can start
using right away. Reading this post may help you explore any such unknown
features you are not already using yourself.

features to increase user productivity

list view –
Out of
the box, Salesforce offers a Recently Viewed tab while you click on any object.
This can offer you more value if you customize it based on your preferences.
You can easily switch over to the default list by just clicking on the pin icon
next to the name of the current listview you have chosen. This is an ideal way
for you to save time and make your workday more productive.

view inline editing-
If you get frustrated with how cumbersome it is to update multiple records
in Salesforce, you have an easy way to get around it. Inline editing will
enable you to bring up to date the fields across records on the list view. You may
choose the features you want to edit by just double-clicking on them or simply
selecting checkboxes against these to update all the fields in a few clicks; if
it is not possible, just double-click on the list view fields for updating

a step ahead, if you are a Salesforce developer who wants to explore more
things to empower your skills in salesforce development, let us explore some
such smart ways to make you unique.

the curiosity to learn

Salesforce developers should always be curious to learn new things. While considering the
Salesforce ecosystem, learning is an important part of a developer’s daily job.
Having three releases each year and fresh products being added to the
Salesforce ecosystem now and then, many new things are coming up in your way
every once in a while. However, the most reassuring fact is that you are not
alone there. You are a part of a big community and have a strong team around to
help you out with it.


quality is an essential sign of a good Salesforce developer, as pointed out by Flosum. You may mostly gain this through experience. If you have ever
looked at your code again after three months and thought that ‘who the heck
wrote this stuff then you can be reassured that your code quality is improving.
However, if you do not find any such things, you must strive and improve

have a balance on hurry vs. quality

is an important sign of an awesome Salesforce developer. You should have the skill
to evaluate your need to get the fastest solution versus quality solutions.
Just check out how many times your tech lead had asked you to solve a problem
as quickly as possible. You are always supposed to find the best fix to the
problem at hand, but you may be sure that you use the best way to resolve it
and find out the best available solution. Quality is always the priority.

choice of hurry versus quality is based on the project’s quality policies;
however, you also need to consider the customers’ needs. Sometimes, you may
have enough time to fix an issue, and some other times, you have to focus on
the resolution time to make the customer happy. If it is the latter case,
consider dedicating some time to clean the dirty solutions once the emergency
got over. Acquiring this skill requires a certain level of experience, which
you will surely pick through your career path.


maybe assigned to tons of tasks with varying levels of difficulties, deadlines,
and different skill set requirements. You may plan your development process well
to succeed by handling all these efficiently. It is good for a developer to
limit the stress level and prevent any anxiety by planning your time properly.
In the eyes of any project manager, you will remain a highly productive and
effective developer if you can complete multiple tasks at a time by optimizing
the work time.

help yourself with different tasks, adopt a
project management tool on your own to make things easier.
You may segregate the tasks into different subcategories as work tasks, learning
tasks, side project tasks, ideas, etc., and handle each of these differently by
allocating proper time schedules. In this way, you will never lose any of your
needs and extra tasks coming in your way.


Another a great sign of a good Salesforce developer is the way how you preserve your knowledge.
You are not a computer, and you cannot store and everything which goes through
your brain. Sometimes, you may be jumping into some reference guides, which you
may want to save for a later time. The technical choices may need to be
explained to the customers or the stakeholders, so the best way is to find the
rationales from your reserves.

can be made easier if you keep collecting and preserving your knowledge in
bytes of information. You can try to create your script gallery, which you may
use whenever necessary. List all the information about your products and
services which may become handy in the future. Some used to do this with simple
text files, and some others may use Word or Excel files. You can also make use
of structured Gitrepositories. You may also try free collaboration tools in an
open tab on your browser. You can use it whenever reading something interesting
which may need your inspection later or to be highlighted. You can even create
a Salesforce app to host all these handy scripts to be retrieved later.


Being a Salesforce developer is not an easy job.
Sometimes, you may feel alone and lost fighting against the toughest problems
at hand. Still, you can do a lot of great things for your clients and company
by never surrendering your extraordinary coding skills for the sake of your team and by handling all these developer essentials well.

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