How to Start Money Making Blog With No Money?


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What is a

A continuously updated web page or website on any topic is often known as a blog.
It could be in any form such as text, infographics, videos, and photos.

Usually, a blog is managed by an individual or a team of few people.

In the
past, a blog is used by people to share their daily routines or experiences.
But today businesses and companies are using blogging to expand the growth of
their businesses.

What is a
blog example?

Since the day the internet was invented millions of blogs have been created. You can
find tech blogs, health blogs, business blogs, sports blogs, blogs about news,
and more on the internet.

Some of my
favorite blogs are:

  • Healthline
  • Sport360
  • Digitaltrends
  • Tribune
  • I Will
    Teach You to Be Rich
  • GiovannaFletcher
  • The
    Adventure Blog
  • iamafoodblog

Do bloggers
get paid?

bloggers can get paid in two main ways – paid per impression and paid per

What Are Free Blogging Platforms?

The best free blogging platform is Blogspot powered by Google. Millions of people are using Blogspot for their blogs. Usually, you get free hosting space and a free sub-domain. 

But if you want to sue a custom domain, you can do that too, just register your favorite domain that will cost you around $8 to $12 for the first time depending on the registrar.

Another best FREE blogging platform is WordPress, here again, you will get free hosting and a free sub-domain.

Once you get familiar with blogging and start making some money, you can start your new blog by purchasing a custom domain name and custom hosting as with these options you have a lot more options that make blogging easier.

For free blogging, I would recommend Blogspot, but for the professional blog at a low price, I recommend WordPress CMS.

What type
of blogs makes the most money?

When a person decides to start blogging, usually, he does not know what type of blog
he/she should create.

Here is the
list of blogs that create a huge amount of money:

  • Finance
  • Fashion
  • Travel blog
  • Marketing
  • Health blog
  • Mom blog
  • Food blog
  • Lifestyle

How do you
start a blog for free?

The first that step you need to take is to decide on a niche you like the most – choose such a niche you are confident about.

The second step is very important. Make sure the niche you have selected has enough
audience. And make sure there are enough people searching for the topic you are
going to write about.

It is very
important to start writing on such a topic that is trending. Because if you
failed in getting people’s attention, then you cannot earn money.

To find a
trending topic, open Google trends, and you will find a lot of things people
are searching for.

All you
need to do is simply figure out your favorite topic and start writing. Keep in
mind that do not include any fake information or false news in your blog.

example: ‘Oscar Nominations 2021’ is a very hot topic in today’s Google trends.

You can
find a lot of info about oscar nominations 2021 on Google. Gather all the info
and write in your own words.

In short,
if you are writing on the trending news you will have more bright chances to
attract people onto your blog.

Some topics are evergreen and people are continuously searching for those topics every single day. Usually, mobile-related information, solutions to different problems are the best examples.

For example, there are a lot of people who might forget their SIM numbers and they wanted to know how to check SIM numbers without balance.

Many people
searching for how to check the Zong number online? All You need to do is find
out the method on how to check the Zong numbers? Include that information in
your blog, and chances are you will start attracting the people who are
searching for how to check Zong number.

Further, a lot of bloggers like you try to find the list of blogs that accept guest posts.
Again you need to put this search in Google, gather the list of sites that
offers guest posts. Include the list in your blog post, and chances are you
will start getting the desired traffic.


So if you
have no money, and you want to start blogging, the above guide is essential for
you. Remember, pick up the right track, and never give up, one day you will get
what you deserve.

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