Enjoy Trading From Home with a 6-Monitor Setup

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Enjoy Trading From Home with a 6-Monitor Setup

These days many things can be done from home but the great thing about trading is just how flexible you can be. You can choose which markets you want to work with that match your interest and time zone. Trading is also hugely rewarding especially if you enjoy immediate results and numbers. Furthermore, you can create an awesome 6 monitor setup for your trading needs.

Why a Home 6 Monitor Setup?

  • Be your own boss

  • Ease of technology

  • Multiple monitor setups for multiple uses


Trading from home isn’t just about being your own boss. It’s also about having the flexibility to make your own decisions about how you run your portfolio. You set your own targets and overall goals based on your expertise and risk appetite. Also, it’s almost a hobby especially if you’re passionate about markets. So if you’re one of those people who likes to do things and dreads retirement then trading could be for you. There’s no time limit and no one is ever going to tell you when to stop.

Ease of Technology

Today, there are so many things that can be done online. This has also made becoming a trader that much easier. There are some great online platforms to help you trade and the equipment is also readily available. Gone are the days when only corporates could afford the high-power computers needed for trading.

Let’s not forget just how awesome it is to have multiple monitors around you. Research actually shows that productivity increases when you have many display screens. Essentially, they make it easier to view many data points at once. This applies even more so for trading. Any trader will tell you that they have to view various graphs, charts, news information, and perhaps even coding all at once. The multiple-screen setup allows you to do just this.

Multiple Use

Last but not least, you can actually double up your 6 monitor setup as a game or cinema room. Even the basic resolution screens that traders use are more than adequate for games and films.

How to Maximize your 6 Monitor Setup at Home for Trading

  • Optimize your trading strategy

  • Trial various tools and platforms

  • Check your GPU graphics card and CPU power

  • Install shortcuts for speed and ease

  • Know your ergonomics

Trading Strategy

If you’re a new trader then you might have to do a bit of trial and error as you work out which markets are the right ones for you to follow. You’ll also need to know how much you’re willing to invest and what risk you want to work with. This means knowing when you pull out of an investment. Either way, you’re going to lose some money along the way so make sure you’re happy with what that could look like. Just ensure you don’t risk running out of money completely.

Tools and Platforms

Some of the well-known trading platforms are Fidelity Investments, Interactive Brokers and Charles Schwab. Of course, there are many more out there, and you’ll need to decide what’s right for you. Either way, you need the right platform that allows you to make your trades and monitor your accounts comfortably on your 6 monitor setup.

Other tools include the classic phone and multiple monitor setup that’s right for you. You don’t actually need to go all out and opt for the 6 monitor setup straight away. You can also start using simply two and three monitors and see how you get on.

Don’t forget that you also need to work out if you want to use mac or windows 10. There’s no right or wrong because both are equally good. It really comes down to personal choice. Just note that you’ll need a good power supply for all this equipment.

Graphics Card and Processing Power

One of the key things you need is power for all the charts and information that needs rapid updating. GPU and CPU are both standard requirements and a good rule of thumb is around 4GB of GPU and 3GHZ of CPU and a RAM of at least 8GB and ideally 16GB. It might be worth pointing out that a graphics card is essentially a video card that helps take some work off your RAM. Graphics cards work with all the graphs and tables that you need to view rapidly.

Also, note that many trading computers have integrated graphics cards so you simply need to check the specifications on your computer. Depending on your budget though, you can consider the slightly cheaper external graphics card approach. This is an easy way to boost your laptop or desktop, depending on what you want to use.


A common problem with a multiple-screen arrangement is that you can lose your mouse so easily. Luckily there are now some great apps that you can download. The most common one is DisplayFusion that also offers a lot more shortcuts.


You’ll probably find yourself sitting down at your multiple-screen setup for several hours at any one time. It’s therefore critical that you make sure that everything is arranged such that you don’t overstrain your eyes, neck, shoulders, or arms. There are many adjustable arm mounts to support your screens for you to choose from. You can also get adjustable chairs and desks so you can easily find something that’s right for you.

Final Thoughts on Trading from home with a 6 Monitor Setup

Trading is a great option if you want flexibility and if you love the world of business and numbers. These days you can also create an awesome 6 monitor setup such that you feel professional and on top of the world. There’s no better way than that to enter the world of the markets.

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