Questions to ask a Marketing Company before you hire them


When you are looking for a marketing company in Wall it can be tricky to know which would best suit your needs. That is because there are a number of factors to consider such as your business size, your budget, the goals you have, what industry you are in, as well as their experience too. Here are some questions you should ask as you weigh up which company to choose to best meet your marketing needs.

Seven good questions to start with

1. What industries and business types have you worked with in the past? Knowing that they have a good amount of experience with your industry so will better understand your goals is a big advantage. They won’t have to spend as much time learning your industry and will understand what you are talking about when you meet with them. If your business size is somewhat unique, either particularly small or large for example, ask if they have clients of your size and what that means for their strategy. There is a lot of difference between a marketing campaign for a large business compared to that of a small one. That is in not just in the budget but the strategies too.

2. Do you have a specific audience you specialize in reaching? Some marketing firms work specifically for certain audiences via a number of strategies like Google ads Wall, and you need a marketing company who knows your audience and what they want to see.

3. What is it your company needs to do before the marketing team can get started? They may need you to create certain content, or carry out inventory analysis, or do some market research, for example.

4. What level of communication and client collaboration happens? Do they offer regular updates, do they use the means of communication you prefer, are they easily reachable?

5. How do you measure results and success? Ask any marketing company in Wall how they measure results and what kind of analysis they do, as well as what outcomes they are looking for.

6. What reports do you send and how often? This ties in with the communication question but it is important you find a marketing company that reports back in detail rather than vague promises. When they report depends on what you need them for. If they are analyzing your marketing strategies then you will need to wait until that is done. If you are hiring them for a digital marketing campaign that includes using google ads Wall, you would expect frequent updates.

7. What will the first three months of the campaign look like? Get a picture of what it will be like working with them before you agree to hire anyone. An experienced firm should already know where they will start and have an idea of what can be expected in the first three months.


Sometimes hiring a consultant firm can come with some difficulties especially if it is your first time. Just take the time to learn about the options and have some strategic questions ready, and you can make a better choice.

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