Four Ways B2B Companies Are Leveraging WhatsApp Business App



Four Ways B2B Companies Are Leveraging WhatsApp Business App

WhatsApp is always known for the best social networking app in the world. It connects the global users and allows them to share unlimited media and messages conveniently. With the ease to communicate and socialize over the internet, Mark Zuckerberg introduced another versatile application to help businesses around the world. WhatsApp business app is the name you call it, which brings exciting features to every entrepreneur in all industries.

We used to only dream of bringing business to WhatsApp life. In 2020, the dream became true while it has really offered us with the most amazing features ever.

If we talk about B2B companies, it is sure to understand that they are using the app for several purposes. From taking online orders to advertising the business, WhatsApp business app has everything that you could ask for.

WhatsApp already had certain features for business management, which became part of digital marketing in 2018. WhatsApp for business services helped a lot of small businesses and large firms to serve the customers in a better way.

Do you know how B2B companies are taking advantage of WhatsApp business app? Let’s figure out in this post so you can also avail all the benefits from the app.

How Are B2B Companies Using WhatsApp Business App?

1.      Extensive platform for all

Did you know that WhatsApp is one of the social networking apps that is commonly used across the globe? According to the statistics, 99% of the people access the platform for personal and business use.

We also consider it as a versatile platform which provides ease of communication and several other features for business dealings. The B2B companies prefer to use WhatsApp business app for smooth communication with the buyers and vendors.

Not only this, but the application provides an extensive service for messaging. Since SMS service is not managed over the internet, the application is the best to send messages across the globe without a delay.

2.      Easy reminders and tracking

Being a B2B seller, you know how difficult it is to track the orders and other messages. With the business app, you can simply track the messages and get hold of the orders easily.

For instance, B2B companies use WhatsApp to send confirmation messages to the buyers regarding their orders. Also, it helps them to remind the instructions sent by the buyers for the orders.

You can also use the application to send customized order messages from the website. For instance, if a buyer has ordered anything from the online B2B marketplace, the marketers on the platform may send the confirmation via WhatsApp if they are using the service.

This makes the business easy to manage. Since there is a less scope of spam messages, WhatsApp gives you a secure platform to deal with the global buyers.

3.      Best customer support

Instead of waiting in the long queue, we all prefer to get in touch with the customer support who would respond in minutes. Do you also feel the same?

With this business app, the B2B companies have transformed their customer support to a great extent. Quick response to the customer queries was a dream which became real in this era. Since it is a necessity for all, the business app provides one-to-one chat service for the china b2b marketplace and buyers.

Now you can easily respond to your buyers’ queries and resolve their issues within seconds if you opt for the business service. It brings a lot of opportunities to the business and hence satisfies the buyers to a great extent.

It gives relaxation to both the parties because neither the customer has to wait for a long time to get the turn nor the agent has to dial several numbers for distinct problems. Hence, all the business matters are resolved in minutes over WhatsApp.

4.      Easy cross-promotions

Finally, the business app provides the marketers a solution to advertise the products like never before.

If you want to promote your newly launched products or make people aware of the services, you can simply get hold of the application. Instead of sending bulk emails and spamming the accounts, you can use WhatsApp to inform the customers about it.

Not only this, but the B2B companies are using the app to send introductory videos, product demos, calls, and much more without a hassle. This reduces potential gaps in the communication while increases lead generation to a great extent.

Final Thoughts

Never underestimate the power or strength of an app which has already given several reasons to stay on the app. WhatsApp is a reason we connect with the global community today. Hence, the businesses are taking advantage of it and making most use of the app for several reasons. Now, you can also use the app and grow your business in the international market.

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