Common Misconceptions About Workflow Management Software

Server Crush

It has been demonstrated that workflow management solutions provide many tangible benefits for print businesses. It is undeniable, however, that altering procedures that may have existed for a long time—possibly even from the beginning—can be challenging. 

The desire to maintain the status quo, or the “if it ain’t broke, don’t repair it” school of thought, may be the source of resistance. But more often than not, it’s motivated by real worries, such as how the change would affect staff morale or whether it will disrupt ongoing operations. Here are three widespread misconceptions regarding workflow management software and why switching could positively impact your business’s bottom line.

Myth 1: New workflow procedures will kill employee motivation

This is one of the firms’ top worries when switching to a workflow management system. People are a company’s most valuable asset. Thus it makes perfect sense to consider how new technologies can affect morale. Introducing new technology can positively impact workers when the transition is handled effectively by relieving employees of tiresome manual processes and allowing them to perform more jobs that create value.

Myth 2: Tasks will fully be Automated via Workflow Automation

Although process automation is intended to automate operations, it will only do so partially. As previously said, human workers are still employed to complete the more difficult tasks that a computer cannot achieve. In other words, days- or weeks-long chores will only be fully automated.

Myth 3: Automation of Workflow management software Is Expensive

Workflow automation may involve some investment, but it doesn’t always mean it will be expensive. Starting small won’t cost much if your business is just getting started with process automation. Automation will be more beneficial for you and your business the more tech-savvy you are.

Myth 4: It’s too intricate and technical

Although workflow automation is based on technology, it is still relatively high-tech and complex. It takes little to begin automating your workflows, whether you are tech skilled or not. Additionally, you can benefit from having workflows automated regardless of the device type, allowing you and the business to focus on other duties.

Best of all, you can quickly adopt workflow automation thanks to the abundance of automation software suppliers who can assist you with everything from setting up the rules to accelerating the procedure.

Myth 5: Automation of Workflows Is Perfect

Automation may appear ideal at first. Wrong.

To ensure that workflow automation keeps operating as intended, precise and routine testing is still necessary. With periodic testing, you can automate processes with stale rules and settings, which would produce false results and data. Additionally, it’s essential to keep an eye on automation bots to make sure they don’t encounter any issues down the road.

Myth 6: All about reducing costs

Although reducing costs is one of the main factors influencing a company’s decision to automate, it is not the only factor. Additionally, workflow optimization helps businesses increase production, distribution, and marketing by speeding up critical operations and procedures and ensuring that analysts receive the most significant outcomes.

The correct workflow management tool will be able to pay for itself (ROI) quickly. Common advantages include a 20-minute onboarding time reduction to 20 seconds, improved visibility, tracking, and reporting, lower storage costs due to improved archive operations, and the flexibility to accept more task kinds while providing differentiated value-adds.

Myth 7: New workflow management software won’t operate with current ones

This is a prevalent worry for workflow management systems. However, to operate many of the software solutions currently available, businesses must hire highly qualified programmers in-house or engage third-party programmers. This can be expensive and offer a different level of responsiveness than in-house workers; it can also increase the expense of long-term upkeep.

Approval workflow software should be as easy to use as feasible, with a user-friendly interface that doesn’t involve complex coding, allowing customers to install new versions and hasten the adoption of production modifications. Software that can be customized to meet different contexts and market types is another advantage, avoiding the requirement for bespoke development and being a good fit for SMB to the enterprise.

Myth 8: Automation Of Workflows Is Susceptible To Security Risks Such As Hacking

The certainty of cyberattacks and other security concerns is a last point. Factors like these could make process automation insecure.

  1. sudden data loss
  2. Unlawful hacking
  3. Leaks of information

As a result, many companies would prefer to trust that their data is being stored online (i.e., in the Cloud). However, they would revert to keeping their data in conventional systems in the interim.

Since a standard invoice processing system can still be exposed to data wipes, hackers, etc., due to data theft, natural disasters, etc., the good news is that experts are discovering new ways to increase online data security. Additionally, passwords and encryption methods can be used to protect workflow automation, giving you additional layers of protection.

Therefore, it’s safe to assume that workflow automation can be trusted and used now that you know its potential to help you operate your business more effectively. You may manage your business more successfully if you consider the seven myths covered in this article and learn the reality behind each one.

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