How Can You Optimize for Google’s Page Experience Update to Get Better Ranking?



Google keeps rolling out its
new page experience updates to improve the experience of the users in a variety
of ways. Google every day sees 3.5 billion searches which are being conducted
on the most popular search engine in the world. To stay updated with your rank
on the first page of Google, it is important to make sure that you are
integrating your website and the contents as per Google’s Page Experience
Update so that you can hold a better position in the SERPs. The significance of
delivering a great page experience is always beneficial, which not only helps
your website to rank better but also gives you the chance to get better traffic
to your site. Thus. opting for reliable
SEO services New York can help you to get better results. Here is how you can
optimize your Google’s Page Experience Update:

Optimize the interactivity

It takes only a few seconds
for the users to interact with the element that you have clicked, with the link
or the button. The second CWV is the FID, which is taken as the measurement for
the interaction time. Google keeps note of your FID that must be shorter than
the mark of 100 milliseconds. Readers are familiar with the web pages, which
makes them wait for a long time after clicking on an element to go to a
completely new page.   This is not at all good for your users, but it can
keep happening in case the browser is too busy with its other tasks. Based on
the type of your website, you can fix the FID on your site. Use tools like
PageSpeed Insights to see how you can improve it. You can also look for
dividing the long tasks or minimizing the JavaScript etc.

Pay focus on your loading speed:

The first CWVs of Google is
the largest contentful paint which refers to the largest and the most important
piece of the content on a webpage. This metric helps in determining how quickly
your page offers the most important content so the users can see it easily.
There are many ways to optimize the LCP.  You can optimize your server as
the sluggish repose time can sometimes slow the servers. The speeding up of a
server can contain the running of some of the performance guidance so that the
server can start up a very static page as it is requested rather than building
up the page every time the visitors click on it.

Optimize your layout shift

The layout shift on your
website is another one of the most important metrics that you can optimize to improve the Page experience on your website. Another important CWV is the
cumulative layout shift or the CLS. It works as a measure regarding how much
your content layout moves around during the page loading. This is one of the
very common problems that most website owners face. You need to have a very
good CLS score of 0.1 to pass the Google test.  It is the maximum mark
that Google wants to see. Anything higher than this mark will make your web
pages shift a little bit. Google considers the score of 0.25 to be a very poor

Other important page experiences

The CWVs is the only thing on
which you need to focus on optimizing your site better for the page experience
updates. Google also takes note of other metrics like mobile usability,
mobile-friendliness for the small text sizes, and the usage of Flash media,
which is not supported in today’s mobile devices. Also, the report must not be
empty to ensure that your site is performing very well. Even if you have very
decent traffic, you should look for more traffic for which you have to generate
better relevant data.  Also, Security is another very necessary mark to do
well with your Page Experience Update. Hence, optimize your site accordingly.


Your site requires better
optimization when it comes to integration with the new Google‘s Page
Experience Updates. This is why you must keep in mind that you are optimizing
your site in a way so that you can work well on the experience your users will
have when they are entering your website to get the answers for their queries.

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