How Blockchain Technology Can Prevent Cyber Crimes


Let’s be honest and admit that the state of online security is not exactly ideal. We are witnessing malicious attacks on a daily basis and see companies paying huge sums to retrieve stolen data. Although most businesses invest lots of money in antivirus systems, it looks like the effort is not delivering as expected.

This is where blockchain steps in as a genuine game-changer.

Blockchain represents a digital database containing information that can be simultaneously used and shared within a large decentralized, publicly accessible network. Perhaps it doesn’t seem like much at first, but this is exactly what security specialists need to prevent cyber-crimes.

If you are interested in figuring out how blockchain technology is fending off malware attacks, keep reading to learn more about it.

Key Facts about Cybersecurity

We already mentioned that online operations are suffering from serious and frequent threats, but we need to support the claim with recent reports and statistical findings. Here are the most important facts you need to know:

● Cyber-attacks occur nearly 2.5 thousand times per day.
● A typical data breach costs small businesses almost $4 million.
● More than 65% of business leaders think cybersecurity risks are increasing.
● Over 20% of online users end up being victims of hacking.

These and lots of similar reports should certainly make cybersecurity specialists worry, but what seems to be the role of blockchain in the process? Let’s find out!

4 Roles of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

With everything we’ve stated so far about cybersecurity threats, it is clear that only groundbreaking technologies such as blockchain can make substantial improvements in this field. Now we’ll see four specific ways blockchain is making digital operations safer and more reliable.

1. Hackers don’t know what to focus on when attacking
If there is one thing people know about blockchain, it must be the fact that it represents a decentralized system with no central authority that can control the entire database.

Jake Gardner, an IT expert at the essay writers like Paperwritingpro, says this is a huge problem for hackers: “As a network of nodes, blockchain gives hackers zero opportunities to concentrate on a single entry point and exploit its vulnerabilities.”

Every piece of information is distributed over the entire network of computers, so it becomes almost impossible to manipulate data and make changes that lead to serious breaches.

2. Blockchain improves data transparency
The best thing about blockchain is that everyone can see information transfers, but no one can control them individually. Such a level of data transparency is unprecedented because other cybersecurity systems do exactly the opposite – they hide information in order to protect it.

On the other hand, blockchain-powered systems give every participant the chance to monitor transactions and act as watchdogs. More importantly, this enables real-time monitoring and instant reactions in case of suspicious behavior or activities. Blockchain reacts automatically and fends off malicious attempts thanks to the sheer nature of the system and its inner logic.

3. Blockchain protects IoT devices
Hackers rarely ever start by targeting complex systems and devices. Instead, hackers focus on simple gadgets with primitive defense mechanisms because it’s easier to penetrate data libraries that way.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is particularly vulnerable here because it consists of all sorts of simple devices and tools such as remote controls, thermostats, fridges, and similar. None of these gadgets is able to defend against malicious threats, so hackers can steal data during IoT information exchanges.

But the job gets much more difficult when you deploy blockchain and make it your primary cybersecurity mechanism. It decentralizes the entire dataflow and turns even the simplest IoT devices into foolproof fortresses.

4. Blockchain makes it impossible to destroy data
Hackers often jeopardize entire businesses by deleting users’ databases. It’s a huge issue, but blockchain minimizes the threat because it makes data deletion close to impossible.

For instance, you could be relying on blockchain to protect the visit this service. In this case, you transfer records across multiple nodes and prevent possible manipulations and data elimination.

This is possible because all nodes in the blockchain network contain the same database. Hackers can hardly access every single computer in the network, which means that your database remains safe for good.

The Bottom Line

Blockchain is a game-changer in the field of cybersecurity because it relies on a different kind of infrastructure and operational processes. This technology could soon prove to be pivotal in cybersecurity, which is why we discussed four ways blockchain is strengthening the safety of online operations.

Do you share our belief that blockchain is going to minimize malicious threats? Let us know in the comments!

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