8 Reasons Why Social Studies are Important at School

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Students study everything when they study
social studies. The field focuses on the way that humans form societies, build
relationships, build institutions, utilize resources, and progress towards

Social studies can encompass the complete
human experience. Take a look at the eight reasons why this field of study is
essential for creating well-rounded learners!

1. It’s a Multidisciplinary Field

When we study social studies, we’re not just
studying human behavior over time in the development of societies. This subject
covers geography, anthropology, civics, political science, sociology,
archeology, history, economics, political science, and culture! It is a primer
for more complicated and nuanced courses.

2. It Prepares Students for Careers

Learning about social studies sets the table
for students who will eventually go on to work in government, elected office,
social services, policy-making, and psychology.

It provides an overview of how and why
governments are formed. The blend of environmental and interpersonal factors
involved in societal development opens up new understandings.

3. It Promotes Critical Thinking

Being exposed to social studies builds
critical-thinking skills. Students are able to evaluate decisions made by
leaders of the past through a modern lens. They are able to look at societal
conflicts and problems from all angles.

4. It Promotes Knowledge of Past and Present Civilizations

Social studies can expose students to the
geographical and political influences that shaped civilizations around the
world. They become familiar with prominent leaders, world capitals and world

When educators use tools like Adobe Education
Exchange to bring social studies topics to life, they create learning
environments that transport students to various points and locations throughout
history to create meaningful lessons.

5. It Builds Citizenship Skills

Social studies can create informed citizens!
Coursework based on civics and current events helps students to learn essential
facts and details about governmental processes.

This can include things like government
structure, how elections work and how people vote.

6. It Lays a Blueprint for Understanding How Economies Work

Social studies can expose learners to the
impact and repercussions of economic policies. It also fosters an understanding
of how things like labor, investments, and taxes work in different societies.
Learners also gain an understanding of the impact of their own financial

7. It Fosters Appreciation for History

Social studies can take students “out of
the present” to get a global and historical view of politics, governments,
social movements, and societal trends.

For instance, a robust 6th
grade social studies curriculum
prepares learners to move to more complex
areas of history by creating a good foundation for being able to look at
historical events through contextual lenses.

8. It Strengthens Debate Skills

Social studies can encourage class
participation when active learning is introduced. The “group
discussion” aspect of social studies encourages students to learn how to
form, convey and evolve their own opinions after being presented with
information. The door is open for debates, discussions, and role-playing

Bringing Social Studies to Life in the Classroom

Social studies can spark the future. Giving
students knowledge about society’s role in history sparks a desire to want to
participate in politics, institutions, and movements. Yes, a strong 6th grade
social studies curriculum can do all that!


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