What I Wish I Knew a Year Ago About Online Video Maker


What I Wish I Knew a Year Ago About Online Video Maker

As a businessperson, it can be easy to push an idea off to the side when your schedule is packed. Business owners tend to be overly strapped for time, makings them extremely selective about what they choose to spend time on. Unfortunately, a knowledge gap can lead a business owner astray and prevent them from investing time in things they need.

From experience, you know that video marketing is a popular strategy, but you’re also aware of the lack of time and funds. However, once you learn just how easy Promo’s Online Video Maker is to use, you’ll be kicking yourself for not investing in it sooner. If you haven’t invested your time in an Online Video Maker to make video marketing content for your business, you’re leaving lots of money on the table. Remember that the first mover in any industry to integrate new technology has better chance to get on top, while those who don’t will slowly fade away. 

Make High-Quality, Professional Videos In Minutes

Many business owners are under the false assumption that they need to invest thousands of dollars in professional video equipment to appeal to their audience. The truth is, with Promo’s video maker, that will never be a concern. You can try out the video maker wholly free! Even if you end up liking it so much, you only have to apply for a low-cost membership plan.

With Promo’s technology, there are countless templates that you can choose from. Most importantly, these templates are professionally shot and have creative video professionals putting them together. After selecting one of these templates, all you’ll need to do is add your business information. And that’s how you complete a high-quality, professional video in minutes.

Optimal Video Templates For Different Platforms

You may not want to show the same video on Facebook as you would on Instagram. For this reason, the makers at Promo have created numerous video templates for all different posting environments. Some of the most commonly used include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and general website promotional videos.

By following your social media calendar at Promo, you’ll know when it’s time to post a new video on your favorite engagement platforms. Simply select a new video template, customize it with your business contact information, and quickly post it to any social forum with the click of a button. Suddenly, engaging with your target market has become easier than you ever thought possible.

Over 12 Million Video Templates To Choose From

You may have backed away from using this video maker for the sake of being unique. No business wants to show a video that others already have. Luckily, with Promo, you’ll have over 12 million unique videos to choose from. This will ensure that your competitors don’t use the same video templates that your business does.

The many templates that Promo offers cover everything from different industries to various holidays. Moreover, with so many professional video options, you can easily find a template that portrays the message you want to get across. The best part is that you never have to worry about filming your video content.

Help You Boost Conversions

Every website owner is concerned with their conversion ratios. The more people that you can convert into customers, the more revenue you can make. Unfortunately, boosting your conversion ratio can be extremely difficult to do without the right tools by your side. This video editor can be just the tool you’re looking to send your conversions through the roof.

For Instance, just think about this particular scenario for a moment. When you’re looking to buy a product, you head to the seller’s website. They have a description of the product and a picture. As a result, you head to another website, and they have a video that explains the product, shows it from multiple angles and displays someone using it. What website are you more likely going to purchase the product from?

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that adding video to any sales page can help turn viewers into customers. With this video editor, you can easily craft product explanation videos that will allow your viewers to connect with the product you’re selling. The more connected they feel, the more compelled they are to purchase the product. One video can boost your conversions immediately.

Videos For All Device

One of the biggest problems that business owners run into when crafting unique videos is that they don’t work on all platforms. For example, a video that works on a desktop may not load correctly on a smartphone. In other cases, the video may not look right when it’s on a smartphone compared to a large-screened desktop computer.

This video creation software helps to eliminate these problems with ease. Every video template created on Promo is optimized in a way that it can play on all device platforms. You’ll never have to worry about how your video will turn out on a smartphone than a desktop computer. Subsequently, you can simply focus your efforts on crafting the best quality video to attract your target audience.

Final Thoughts 

It’s about time for every business owner to learn how essential this online video maker platforms are for future success. In short, these professional-quality videos are a quick and effective way to engage new clients actively. 

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